MM诊断和治疗中存在的问题——国际骨髓瘤基金会(IMF)主席Brian Durie教授访谈

作者:  D.Brian   日期:2015/5/22 16:57:01  浏览量:26924



国际骨髓瘤基金会(IMF)主席Brian Durie教授




  Dr.Durie:The risk stratification of myeloma is very important in attempting to provide the best treatment options for each patient. The problem is that even when we have some classification like mSMART (developed by the Mayo Clinic using cytogenetics and FISH to classify high- and low-risk), the question remains which treatment we should use for high- and low-risk. Currently, we really don’t have a good treatment for high-risk patients. In the clinical trials in the US in the Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG), we classify high-risk using a few features - 17P-, high-risk by gene expression profiling, high-risk based on high LDH or development of plasma cell leukemia or disease outside the bone marrow (extramedullary disease). For these patients we use standard therapy VRD (velcade, revlimid and dexamethasone) plus a new drug, alemtuzumab. Or we have a new protocol, VRD plus daratumumab (an antibody against CD38). We have new trials underway for the best treatment for high-risk myeloma but right now we don’t have a clear recommendation for individual patients coming into the clinic. For now, one strategy that is practical is to diagnose high-risk based on patients who relapse early. Lesser-risk patients can stay in remission for two years or longer. High-risk patients will relapse after one or two years. This is a very simple approach. For people with early relapse, we will introduce new drugs using multi-drug combinations. But this remains a major unmet need - how to treat high-risk versus low-risk patients?






  Dr.Durie:The IMF (International Myeloma Foundation) is very pleased to collaborate with several groups to develop the best MRD test. The most successful collaboration has been with the Spanish team and we are very pleased at this meeting here in Beijing, Dr Bruno Paiva from the Navarra University in Pamplona, Spain will discuss the use of next-generation flow for the assessment of MRD. This is a method using a special cocktail of monoclonal antibodies to identify the amount of minimal residual disease in the bone marrow.


  With this standardized cocktail, we can have a very accurate way to identify myeloma at the level of one-in-a-million (one myeloma cell in one million cells counted). This is sufficient to identify patients who are having an extremely deep response and is a goal of the new approaches to treatment to achieve the maximum response and the maximum length of remission and survival. There is a new overall goal with MRD-negative as the best treatment goal for patients with myeloma. We are hopeful that the next-generation flow technique can be widely applied and will allow groups everywhere around the world to integrate this testing into their treatment protocols.


  Durie教授:国际骨髓瘤基金会(IMF)非常愿意联合多个合作组制定最佳MRD检测方案,目前最成功的合作是同西班牙团队,我们很高兴在北京的这次大会上,来自西班牙纳瓦拉大学的Bruno Paiva博士介绍使用新一代流式技术对MRD的检测。这种方法采用独特的多种单抗方法来鉴定骨髓中的微小残留病灶量。通过这种标准化方案,我们能在百万数量级(一百万细胞中有一个骨髓瘤细胞)上对骨髓瘤进行精确的测定。这种方法可以鉴别出有较深治疗反应者,并且新的治疗方案的目的在于获得最大治疗反应和最长缓解及生存时间。未来,可能将MRD检测阴性作为骨髓瘤患者最佳治疗目标。我们希望下一代流式技术得到广泛应用,并且推动全世界各合作组将MRD检测应用于多发性骨髓瘤治疗方案的决策中。


  《肿瘤瞭望》:对于MGUS/Smoldering MM早期无症状型MM患者,对于预后不良者的肿瘤及患者的影响因素有哪些?如何随访、早期治疗?


  Dr.Durie:This is another important treatment strategy. How do we test and monitor and evaluate patients with early disease including MGUS and smoldering myeloma. We look very closely at patients with what we call high-risk smoldering MM. These are patients who have evidence of increasing disease and with abnormal immune testing in the bone marrow where there is a build-up of myeloma and suppression of the normal immune cells or where there is a significant increase in the abnormal free light chain ratio. We use these criteria to identify patients at the highest risk of developing active myeloma. This is very important because we know that if we want to achieve the best results, we should start early. The dilemma is to have treatment that is working well for patients who need it but we need to avoid giving therapy to patients who do not need therapy. For patients who could remain stable for one year or five years or even ten years, we don’t want to be giving them unnecessary treatment. So this is the key testing that we need to identify patients early in order to get the best results but only for patients who are really at risk for progressing in the near future (within eighteen months) to active myeloma. This is an extremely important area for research.






  Dr.Durie:The criteria for complete remission are very important because we want to be able to be precise when comparing one treatment with another. Right now we need to have the best combinations so we use mostly triple therapies. Maybe the best one we have at the moment is Kyprolis (carfilzomib) with revlimid and dexamethasone. This achieves the highest level of complete remission. We can compare that to maybe just giving two drugs, revlimid and dexamethasone alone. The percentage that achieve a CR is obviously a lot higher with the three drugs versus two drugs. We need to have very precise definitions. So the International Myeloma Working Group has established these criteria and DrShaji Kumar is working on new criteria to make the stringent CR even better for use in clinical trials everywhere.


  Durie教授:CR标准十分重要,凭借它我们可以比较哪种治疗方案更有效。目前,我们正需要找到最佳的联合方案。通常,我们以获得高标准的完全缓解作为目标。与单纯两药(如来那度胺和地塞米松)联合相比,三药联合CR率明显提高。对于CR,我们仍需要一个明确的定义,国际骨髓瘤工作组也制定了一些标准,目前Shaji Kumar博士正致力于建立严格的CR标准,以适应于各地的临床试验。




  Dr.Durie:Nerve damage can be caused by myeloma so there are patients in whom the myeloma protein damages the nerves to cause peripheral neuropathy. This is seen as loss of sensation (numbness of hands and feet) and sometimes is painful with pain in the hands and feet or arms and legs. Treatment for that is rather difficult. A key point is to diagnose early and avoid progression to severe neuropathy. Once there is nerve damage, it is difficult for the nerves to regenerate and recover well. This is also an area of active research and many labs are working to enhance nerve regeneration. For now though, the only two possibilities are: to treat early to avoid the development of peripheral neuropathy; or using medication to counter pain like gabapentin. If a patient has numbness, they need to be cautious of their activity to not cause damage to hands and feet because of the absence of pain or temperature sensation. This is a challenging problem and we strongly recommend that there is education for neurology teams so they would be aware that neuropathy can be caused by early myeloma and referrals are made for consultation and treatment for the myeloma. These are the current strategies to achieve the best outcomes in these cases.




版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:付丽云



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