[ASH2014]慢性淋巴细胞白血病的预后因素与治疗进展—— Adrian Wiestner教授访谈

作者:  A.Wiestner   日期:2014/12/18 16:17:28  浏览量:55337


编者按:慢性淋巴细胞白血病(CLL)是以B淋巴细胞为主的淋巴细胞增殖性疾病,临床预后具有显著的异质性。随着细胞生物学、细胞免疫学及分子遗传学的进展,CLL预后指标除了年龄、疾病分期(Rai/Biet分期)、外周血淋巴细胞计数、免疫表型等,还增加了细胞遗传学异常及其他血清学标志物,此外也涌现出一系列新型药物用于CLL的治疗。在刚结束的美国血液学会(ASH)年会上,组委会特别设计了“How I Treat: Bringing Science to Clinical Dilemmas”这一环节,针对CLL在基础与临床的研究进展进行了探讨。会后,《肿瘤瞭望》记者专访了主讲嘉宾、美国国立卫生研究院贝塞斯达国家心肺与血液研究所Adrian Wiestner教授。

美国国立卫生研究院贝塞斯达国家心肺与血液研究所 Adrian Wiestner教授访谈



  Prof. Wiestner: The most important factor is to separate Ig-mutated from Ig-unmutated CLL. This refers to sequences that encode the B-cell receptor. Surprisingly, it was found that CLL has both types, mutated and unmutated. This is part of the maturation process of B-cells and is something that is irreversible. Mutated in this regard is positive in the sense that they are more mature B-cells. These patients do better than those with Ig-unmutated cells. So that separates two important groups. The other important marker can be assessed by flow cytometry and that is CD49d expression.

  Wiestner教授:影响CLL预后最重要的因素在于免疫球蛋白重链(IgVH)的突变状态,即编码B细胞受体的基因序列是否突变。可以将CLL分为突变型CLL(M-CLL)与未突变型CLL(U- CLL)。前者疾病进展快,生存期短;后者疾病进展慢,预后也较好。在某种层面上讲,IgVH突变具有积极的意义,这意味着有更多的成熟B细胞,患者的预后情况也更好。因此,IgVH突变是目前区别CLL预后的重要因素。此外,应用流式细胞技术评估CD49d的表达也被作为一项重要的预后指标。


  Prof. Wiestner: It may not be a single genetic event. One of the risk factors is a 17p deletion. One of the risk factors is a complex karyotype. One of the risk factors is NOTCH1 mutations in certain types of B-cell receptor specificities. There is a very elegant paper from Dr Ferreira’s group that does gene sequencing and they have identified some candidate mutations.

  Wiestner 教授:CLL的发生发展过程并不是单一的遗传学改变,而是一系列复杂的基因改变的结果。其中,染色体 17P的缺失、复杂核型、B细胞受体特异型NOTCH1基因突变等都属于CLL的遗传学危险因素。目前,Ferreira博士的研究团队通过基因测序已确定了部分突变候选基因,这项研究成果有着的重大意义。

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