[NGCAC2014]全身化疗联合腹腔化疗使胃癌腹膜转移患者获益——Joji Kitayama教授访谈

作者:  Kitayama   日期:2014/7/15 10:56:55  浏览量:68458


编者按:在第九届全国胃癌学术会议暨第二届阳光长城肿瘤学术会议 上,日本东京大学医学院附属医院的Joji Kitayama教授(北山丈二)介绍了日本胃癌腹膜转移的治疗策略现状和展望,其中特别介绍了他们采用全身化疗联合腹腔灌注化疗的尝试。在采访中,Kitayama教授非常看好这种方法在腹膜转移患者中的应用。

  Oncology Frontier: It is thought that metastatic gastric cancer might benefit from palliative surgery aimed at reducing tumor burden. What’s your opinion about this?
  Dr Kitayama: Actually it depends on the specific case. For example, in peritoneal metastasis, it was thought there was no benefit in doing palliative surgery, but recently, we and others, have introduced specific chemotherapy which is very effective for peritoneal metastasis. In those patients we could do a gastrectomy and have a good impact on survival. So if the metastatic disease is controlled by some form of chemotherapy, palliative surgery becomes increasingly beneficial for those patients.
  Dr Kitayama:实际上这得取决于具体案例。例如,对于腹膜转移的患者来说,行姑息性手术治疗就不会获益,但是最近我们以及其他一些学者已开展了特殊的化疗方法,对腹膜转移的患者具有很好的疗效。在这些患者中,我们可以开展胃切除术且有利于患者预后。因此,如果转移性疾病能够被某种形式的化疗所控制,那么对于这些患者来说姑息性手术治疗就变得越发有利。
  Oncology Frontier: Previous articles have shown that performing palliative gastrectomy on metastatic gastric cancer patients from Eastern countries is more beneficial than in Western countries. What is your opinion? And Why?
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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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